Earn Crypto From Your Website – CoinImp Review

Do you have your own website but are struggling to monetize it easily and effectively? This method could be for you! With the addition of a small piece of Javascript code to your site you could be indirectly mining cryptocurrency from your visitors and earning money.

CoinImp allows you to add crypto mining code that is used client side on your website visitors machine, allowing you to earn money from your visitors without the needs for ads or anything like that. The Javascript is configurable in the CoinImp dashboard, allowing you to specify how much of the client CPU you would like to try and use for mining. As long as the visitor is reading your site with the script installed, you will be earning!

There is no site approval or waiting required, and you don’t give up any screen real estate for banners or ads. Why not give it a go and see how it works out on your site?

To find out more about CoinImp please click here to visit their site.

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